Cloud-native applications: Operator-Framework

Cloud-native: sounds attractive right? What does it even mean? Wikipedia has no page on it already so anyone can give its own definition… Here’s mine: A Cloud-native application has only concern on the functionalities that it has to deliver as it is completely decoupled from the infrastructure it runs on So how can software delivery be cloud-native? Isn’t software delivery supposed to “install” software onto some infrastructure? Well if your infrastructure provider is cloud-native, you can transitively deliver software on it in a cloud-native way (counts of cloud-native is over 9000, so stopping here)! [Read More]

Implement a generic data list structure

As a coding challenge I was asked to provide a generic list implementation using a language of my choice and using only primitive types, avoiding the use of high level built-ins. I chose Go because I want to learn it and I know it can be useful to create an abstract, generic implementation. The challenge request to implement at least 4 methods on the generic type: Filter() – returns a subset of the List satisfying an operation Map() – returns the List objects’ map Reverse() – reverse the ordering of the List objects FoldLeft() – join the objects from left to right using a join character As a bonus question I was asked to code unit tests for the aforementioned methods and give an explanation on how the implementation guarantees concurrent access on resources. [Read More]

Golang Message Queue: a simple TCP message bus

[TL;DR] I wrote a Pub/Sub message queue in Go, branch “master” is stable but missing some interesting feature like distributed memory synchronization between nodes in a cluster and encryption. Code at Being a cloud system engineer, my work is to design and implement distributed systems: one of the key principles in designing such architectures is decoupling, which means ensuring the many parts composing the system are able to share informations and complete a sequence of operations without being tied together. [Read More]

My first Golang web project is online

It is true: I fell in love with Go, not because I love Google and his products, but because it really fits my ideology of simplicity and power in a programming language. I started experimenting with the language and thank to his web-oriented approach I quickly came up with one of the simplest single task web application I could write: a URL shortener. What is a URL shortener? It’s a service that will give you a short link for a long URL. [Read More]

Zabbix: a powerful yet simple monitoring software

It may come in mind to any IT system engineer to know what is the status of the network, server by server, instance by instance; it happened to me when I was given the responsibility to manage my company’s infrastructure and I was wondering which tool could have helped to do the job. I chose Zabbix to monitor my infrastructure because: despite it’s a bit difficult to install (you need a PHP enabled web server, a database and a C compiler), you will benefit a very user-friendly web interface with lots of functionalities native agents for major OS release are already complied: FreeBSD, Linux, Windows, etc… Compiling to other OS just requires a “configure && make && make install” it offers many monitoring methods via a unique interface: you can group SNMP, JMX, HTTP monitoring in one shot it has multi-step HTTP/HTTPS monitoring, simulating different browsers and clients you can build nice infographics bundling all kind of monitored datas you can manage users and roles to give access to the web interface at your company’s employees you can build custom monitoring scripts to your needs Well let’s see some action now: I would like to post a short tutorial on how to build a custom script to monitor resources used by a Glassfish application server. [Read More]