Cloud-native applications: Operator-Framework

Cloud-native: sounds attractive right? What does it even mean? Wikipedia has no page on it already so anyone can give its own definition… Here’s mine:

A Cloud-native application has only concern on the functionalities that it has to deliver as it is completely decoupled from the infrastructure it runs on

So how can software delivery be cloud-native? Isn’t software delivery supposed to “install” software onto some infrastructure? Well if your infrastructure provider is cloud-native, you can transitively deliver software on it in a cloud-native way (counts of cloud-native is over 9000, so stopping here)!

Recently RedHat acquired CoreOS, bold move if you ask me. CoreOS since the M&A has been very quite until a week ago when the operator-framework was announced through a blog post; this is a huge step forward for everyone as this new toolkit will empower the average developer with the ability to run operators on Kubernetes and package their applications as extensions to the Kubernetes API.

Never heard of Custom Resource Definitions? You’d better get on track as this will be driving the next-gen wave of applications that will run as part of the platform that delivers them, with the ability to automate their management and simplify dramatically their operations which will be tightly integrated with the cluster management itself.

And as usual I’m eager to try out this new toy and see what can be done with it: I want to build a cloud-native software delivery application that will enable CI/CD jobs to be running inside the cluster and managed by the same API server! Using a CRD for the “Pipeline” kind I can control the build/test/release flow of my application and moreover monitor the whole thing with the same tools with which I will monitor my application.

Creating CD³

I decided to start a new project called CD³ (cd kube): it will be a Continuous-* software that will run in Kubernetes and will be dedicated to deliver software through Kubernetes. I found Weaveworks did something similar with Flux and since I don’t want to reinvent the wheel I’ll just try and replicate some functionality of running a continer in an operator.

First things first: I installed the operator-sdk and I have the binary in my $GOPATH/bin. Running

$GOPATH/bin/operator-sdk new cdkube --kind=Pipeline

I am resulting in an auto-generated project with some scaffold code, as in this commit. Next I add some details which I think are at the core of a pipeline: the repository with code and configurations, the image to build the software and what version/name give to the resulting application artifact. When adding new items to the Spec and Status of CRD I will modify the pkg/apis/delivery/v1alpha1/types.go file, then the guide suggests to run operator-sdk generate k8s to update the code, in fact the zz_generated_deepcopy.go is updated, but I don’t see the deploy/cr.yaml changed as it should so probably there’s a bug… Moving forward I have my operator logic to be defined now: I add some check whether the building pod is succeded and build the operator

operator-sdk build inge4pres/cdkube:v0.0.1
docker push inge4pres/cdkube:v0.0.1

My operator is built, pushed to dockerhub and ready to be kicked in a k8s cluster, so I fire up one in GKE

gcloud beta container --project "inge4pres-gcp" clusters create "operator-framework-test" --zone "europe-west1-b" --machine-type "g1-small" --image-type "COS" --disk-size "25"

gcloud container clusters get-credentials operator-framework-test --zone europe-west1-b --project inge4pres-gcp

and when it’s ready I can deploy the auto-generated resources to the cluster. An amazing result is that once the depoloyment is done I can create my CRD with the kubectl command and see my custom-type declared, running kubectl create -f deploy/crd.yaml I have a new object created in k8s

➜  ~ kubectl get pipeline
NAME            AGE
doing-nothing   16s
➜  ~ kubectl describe pipeline
Name:         doing-nothing
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Pipeline
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:             2018-05-05T18:08:31Z
  Deletion Grace Period Seconds:  <nil>
  Deletion Timestamp:             <nil>
  Initializers:                   <nil>
  Resource Version:               1528
  Self Link:                      /apis/
  UID:                            5160a990-508f-11e8-8f06-42010a8401f8
  Build Arguments:
    building something...
    now I'm done
  Build Commands:
  Build Image:     busybox
  Target Name:     tesApp
  Target Version:  0.1
Events:            <none>
➜  ~

When I deploy my operator and create the custom resource applying the manifest for a pipeline, the operator picks it up and starts a container with the name of the pipeline

➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml
➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl get po
NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cdkube-57bcf65584-sbvd6   1/1       Running   0          12s
➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl apply -f deploy/cr.yaml
pipeline "doing-nothing" created
➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl get po
NAME                      READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
cdkube-57bcf65584-sbvd6   1/1       Running             0          29s
testapp                   0/1       ContainerCreating   0          2s
➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl logs cdkube-57bcf65584-sbvd6
time="2018-05-05T18:42:59Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.10.2"
time="2018-05-05T18:42:59Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64"
time="2018-05-05T18:42:59Z" level=info msg="operator-sdk Version: 0.0.5+git"
time="2018-05-05T18:42:59Z" level=info msg="starting pipelines controller"
time="2018-05-05T18:43:21Z" level=info msg="build still running, status of builder container: Pending"
➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl get po
NAME                      READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
cdkube-57bcf65584-sbvd6   1/1       Running     0          49s
testapp                   0/1       Completed   2          22s

and if I get the testapp logs I can see the pipeline execution

➜  cdkube git:(master) ✗ kubectl logs testapp
building something... now I'm done

Bonus: if the custom resource is deleted with kubectl delete -f deploy/cr.yaml the pod testapp gets terminated automatically! I don’t know if this magic is done by Kubernetes or by the Operator Framework, but sure I love it as it will enable my resources to be managed with the k8s API just like any other.

I still need to tune the logic of handling the container as I didn’t expect the restarts to happen, but hey this looks amazing! In a couple of hours I have an operator that can spawn containers when instructed to do so by custom manifests representing a pipeline!

Stay tuned 😎

See also

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