Golang Message Queue: a simple TCP message bus


I wrote a Pub/Sub message queue in Go, branch “master” is stable but missing some interesting feature like distributed memory synchronization between nodes in a cluster and encryption. Code at


Being a cloud system engineer, my work is to design and implement distributed systems: one of the key principles in designing such architectures is decoupling, which means ensuring the many parts composing the system are able to share informations and complete a sequence of operations without being tied together. You can read more about cloud architectures and decoupling here.

One of the most common scenario in a cloud application is a series of asynchronous operations executed by many nodes on different layers: for example a front end server tier receiving  files and a backend server tier doing analysis on them; a good practice is to have a message queue between the two serving as an orchestration component. Each web server node will post a message in the queue for every files received, each backend node will consume a message from the queue to complete his operations on the files. In this way the two tiers are independent one from each other: in case of backend failure or over-capacity, the web servers will keep receiving files and storing message in the queue. If the two operations where done synchronously, the backend failure would stop the whole system to work.

A lot of off-the-shelf message queue software is already available, but I felt like writing my own would give me a good point of view on system programming with Go, so I wrote it, and the result is pretty awesome too. In a few days I was able to have a configurable message queue storing messages in memory, on filesystem or database (MySQL); communication is based on JSON via TCP, and the server can be configured to support a maximum number of queues, a maximum message length and queue capacity: combination of the configured parameters will have performance effects on the single node.

The roadmap of “develoment” branch is:

As you may have guessed from the above list, security of GMQ is not implemented at the moment, be careful!

Feel free to try it out and give suggestions!

Cheers 😀