gRPC Traffic Mirroring With Ingress-Nginx on K8s

How to test gRPC service with production data in testing environments, cloning (or "shadowing") traffic via NGINX

In a previous post we saw an NGINX configuration to allow gRPC traffic mirroring.

Is the same technique applicable on Kubernetes? Yes! Using the ingress-nginx ingress controller!

Traffic mirroring

Use the following configurations snippets in the ingress-nginx configMap and in the Ingress manifest to mirror all traffic to a separate gRPC server.


Replace and with the original and mirror endpoint, respectively.

    http-snippet: |
      server {
        listen ssl http2;
        grpc_ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
        ssl_certificate_by_lua_block {

        location / {
          grpc_pass grpcs://;


Add the following annotations in the Ingress manifest defining the endpoint of your gRPC service. GRPC |
            mirror /mirror; |
      location = /mirror {
        proxy_set_header X-Mirrored-From $http_host;

NGINX configuration details

Compared to the non-K8s version we have some differences:

In the main nginx.conf file, applied through the configMap, we have a weird section.

ssl_certificate_by_lua_block {

This is a something I discovered while looking in the ingress-nginx source: it’s a helper used to load the right TLS certificate which is impossible to do otherwise, because TLS certificates are stored in Kubernetes secrets, instead of normal files. This replaces the TLS certificate loading directives.

The rest is unchanged.

The Ingress resource manifest contains the annotation to configure a gRPC backend GRPC and has 2 important settings.

The first snippet |
  mirror /mirror;

adds the mirroring directive to the virtual server location, to copy the gRPC traffic to the /mirror internal location.

The second snippet |
  location = /mirror {
    proxy_set_header X-Mirrored-From $http_host;

creates the internal location that will proxy the traffic to the additional server created in the configMap above.

That’s it for copying all traffic from an ingress to a separate server! But what if we’d like to only mirror a portion of the traffic?

At the end of a previous post I left as a homework for the readers to discover how to copy only a percentage of traffic. Read on to see how to achieve it.

Bonus: mirror a part of traffic

NGINX has a split_clients module that is capable of setting a variable based on the distribution of an input. The variable can be used in virtual servers to apply conditional configurations.

The syntax to configure the module is

split_clients <input string> <variable> {
  5% something;
  10% nothing;
  * "";

with the value of <variable> being set based on the hash of <input string>: this can be anything that NGINX assigns when processing a request.

The important detail to understand of the above configurations, is how to choose the input string: the percentage defines the portion of hash values that will yield in <variable> the value to its right.

Let’s have a look at the configs.

NGINX configMap:

    http-snippet: |
      split_clients "${remote_addr}mirror${request_uri}" $mirror_backend {
        10% 1;
        * "";
      server {
        listen ssl http2;
        grpc_ssl_protocols TLSv1.3;
        ssl_certificate_by_lua_block {

        location / {
          grpc_pass grpcs://;

Ingress manifest: GRPC |
            mirror /mirror; |
      location = /mirror {
        if ($mirror_backend = "") { 
          return 200; 
        proxy_set_header X-Mirrored-From $http_host;

The additions to the previous config: with split_clients in the main nginx.conf file we set a variable $mirror_backend with a non-empty string when the hash of "${remote_addr}mirror${request_uri}" falls in the first 10% of all possible hash values. The if added in the Ingress manifest will only proxy traffic when the $mirror_backend variable is not empty.

The hash value can be from 0 to 4294967295 (NGINX uses MurMurHash2, returning a 32-bit integer); the percentages written in the configuration create segments of the whole hash space in a contiguous manner, starting from 0.

In the example above where we defined 5%, 10% and *, you will have 3 ranges of possible values for <variable>:

  • 5% -> hash values from 0 to 214748364
  • 10% -> hash values from 214748365 to 429496728
  • * -> all remaining hash values from 429496729 to 4294967295

Therefore, the probability of getting each value is not exactly the same of the percentage configured, because the distribution of hashes tightly depends on the input.

For example, if you have most of your traffic from a few $remote_addresses, you don’t want to set it as input alone. The more you have a sparse distribution of values in the input variable, the better the filter will work.

This is why in the example configuration, I added $request_uri to the input, concatenating with a constant string mirror: this highly increases the entropy of the hashes, making the percentage more reliable.

An important property of hashing the input is that it’s deterministic, so if you want to mirror exactly for a subset of requests, you can do it: define the percentages to include only the portion of hashes that you want to be copied.

For example, if you want to mirror only traffic for a certain URI, as in:

$request_uri        = `/bank.Service/askForTransactions`
murmurhash2         = 1227040391
range percentage    = 28.57%

then the split_clients config would be

split_clients $request_uri $mirror_backend {
  28.5699% "";
  28.57% 1;
  * "";

Drawbacks and limitations

Copying traffic using this technique is simple and effective, but it has a cost: we have a number of TCP connections that are dedicated to serving the cloned traffic, even if going through the loopback interface.

You will notice from the ingress-nginx controller metrics that enabling the virtual server via the configMap does not create more connections immediately, but as soon as you configure an Ingress to mirror using the new server, there will be an increase in the average open connections.

This is expected, because of the non-native way we are doing mirroring for gRPC traffic.

The same applies to memory and CPU usage: handling more connections, and decrypting and re-encrypting every gRPC call will come with a resource overhead.

One more thing to note: this technique might be working with gRPC streams, but I was only able to test it with unary RPCs.


Thanks again to Joni (@mejofi) for helping me find the original gRPC traffic mirroring configuration.

The partial mirroring addition is taken from this nice blog post by Alex Dzyoba

See also

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