Improving Links

Revamping a toy project and making it a product

In the past few days I have been doing maintenance on a pet project of mine: a URL shortener. I initially built “4pres” in 2013 as a way of experimenting with the Go programming language. It is a URL shortener, it does one simple thing: it generates a random short URL (prefixed with the domain for a longer one. Despite its “dumbness”, it served the greater purpose of exposing me to some software engineering problems I had never faced before. [Read More]

Serverless on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the de facto platform for running modern applications: its broad adoption in 2017 and the velocity of the project made it so and it’s been accepted as the standard for many companies, from small to planet scale. It was impossible that such an extensible platform would be left out the serverless party, so here are the 4 main players offering FaaS to be run via k8s. A premise If you’re new to serverless and FaaS and all the previous buzzwords sound like cacophony to your ears, I really recommend reading this post and watching this talk. [Read More]